Extra Credit

A few years ago, I started posting monthly art challenges that I use for extra credit opportunities in the art classroom.

Last year, I started creating my own and it has been a lot of fun! I tried to create them month by month last year, and this caused a lot of extra work having to recheck drawing prompts to make sure they hadn’t been used previously. So this year I decided to create them all over the summer. Scroll down to check out September-May Art Challenges.

During the first week of school I introduce my students to the extra credit art challenges. I post them at the start of each month on our classsroom Instagram page. I suggest that my students purchase or utilize a sketchbook for their drawings, but it is not necessary. I do ask that all art challenges are numbered (and include the month, first name, last name and classname, if on printer paper). They are not required to do all (or any) of the drawings, but it is a good opportunity for them to earn extra credit points, or for insurance purposes to make sure they earn that A!

The idea is to complete one challenge per day (ie: there are 31 days in October, so the October Art Challenge contains 31 challenges). I tell my students that if they want to complete all the challenges, I am not there at home to know if they are really doing one each day, or all of them in one week. But the idea is to get creativity flowing on a daily basis.

By doing the art challenges, my students are given the opportunity to earn UP TO 10 points for each drawing. While most students earn between 3-5 points, it still boosts grades. I collect all extra credit the first Friday of the following month. Because it is extra credit, I do not collect any late work.

September 2019 Art Challenge Extra Credit

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